It may seem like victories for our precious liberties are hard to come by during the Democrats’ ongoing control of government in Washington, D.C., but

Fellow American –

It may seem like victories for our precious liberties are hard to come by during the Democrats’ ongoing control of government in Washington, D.C., but we just had a really big win for freedom.

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, in agreement with the amicus brief I filed back in December along with 37 other Republican House colleagues, has just issued a ruling barring the Department of Defense from punishing our armed service members for seeking religious exemptions from the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Breaking News...

Fellow American, this is a critical reminder that when our First Amendment rights are under attack, we must stand strong and fight back. The Biden Administration sought to infringe on the religious liberty of our brave military personnel, but the court has done the right thing in this case and I applaud them.

Fellow American, you and I both know that this isn’t the last battle we will have to fight to rein in overreach of the Biden Democrats, but it’s important to recognize what can happen when we hold firm and push back. I’m counting on you to continue standing with me.

Will you add your name to Stand Strong Together against the Biden Democrats’ unconstitutional mandates?

Your continued involvement in our effort to keep a check on the Biden-Pelosi Democrats’ agenda and defeat them in 2022 is essential. Please, add your name today.

For America,
Mike Johnson


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