2021 is officially behind us, and good riddance. During the last year, we saw unprecedented attacks on our
foundational freedoms by the unholy trinity of big government, big tech, and big business. From vaccine and mask mandates to a humanitarian crisis at
our border to Critical Race Theory and pornography in our children’s school books to rising inflation and the cost of goods, it seemed like
there was more bad news everywhere we turned. But it wasn’t
all bad. The embers of freedom continued to burn, and by the end
of the year, they have been fanned into a roaring flame. Across the country, parents began showing up at school board meetings demanding change.
Citizens spoke out at city councils against tyranny. In Texas, we saw Republican-backed candidates defeat liberals in Cy-Fair ISD, Carroll ISD, and
Houston ISD. Texas counties that were a deeper shade of blue than San Francisco just ten years ago now look to be in play for Republicans. Rep. John
Lujan won a race in the San Antonio area that Joe Biden won by 14 points. Rep. Ryan Guillen from the Rio Grande Valley SWITCHED PARTIES to become a
Republican. There is so much to be hopeful for in the new year. In 2022, the Republican Party of Texas will be the party that saves America.
We’ve already had a record number of candidates in Texas file to run as Republicans up and
down the ballot. Our vigorous primary system will ensure the best candidates advance to continue feeding the fire of freedom instead of trying to
suppress it. At our state convention, the largest gathering of
Republicans in the world, the grassroots will outline and confirm what it means to be a Republican, providing a benchmark for candidates to follow. In November, the red tsunami will
sweep across the state and the nation. The GOP will take control of the U.S. House and Senate, expand their majorities in the Texas
Legislature, and put radical Democrats like Nancy Pelosi out of power. |
How will we ensure this happens? With your
support, we will work closely with grassroots activists across the state who are the lifeblood of the Republican party. The countless volunteer hours
and efforts to hold out of touch politicians’ feet to the fire are what makes the Texas GOP so strong, and we are not going to shy away from
that. Our 2022 Victory effort has already recruited over 7,000 volunteers and contacted over 400,000 voters, and we
are just getting started. The Republican Party of Texas is investing in
local, traditionally non-partisan races for the first time. Investing local ensures we push back on tyrannical mandates from governmental entities
closest to voters and prevent them from getting a foothold in our communities.
Finally, we are going to carry the banner of bold conservatism forward without shame. When the unholy trinity of big government, big
tech, and big business seeks to silence us, we will not give in to their intimidation and grow louder in response. Just like John Winthrop,
who sought to establish a shining city on a hill, Texas will become a beacon of freedom and hope to the world.
It’s time. Join us, and let’s save America.
Sincerely,  Matt Rinaldi Chairman,
Republican Party of Texas |
Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768 |
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