One year ago today, our nation watched in horror as a violent, extremist mob attacked the U.S. Capitol -- fueled by conspiracy theories about the 2020 election that Donald Trump and other elected Republicans continue to spread.
It was a shameful day in this country’s history. And even more shameful: many seem to have learned nothing from it -- continuing to put Trump’s anti-democracy agenda before the health of our nation and the wellbeing of the American people.
You’ll remember that on January 6th last year, 147 Republicans in Congress -- who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution -- turned their backs on America, egging the insurrectionists on and voting to overturn the election results even after the day’s destruction.
Five people lost their lives that day and in the aftermath. Lawmakers, staff, and journalists spent hours under siege and hiding from the violent mob. And the Confederate flag -- a symbol of treason and white supremacy -- had never been marched through the U.S. Capitol until that day.
Ultimately, the will of the people prevailed and President Biden took office. But millions of Americans, myself included, had their faith shaken that despite our disagreements, we could all agree on bedrock principles -- like the peaceful transfer of power and that democracy is superior to authoritarianism.
And today, the very same politicians who helped incite the attack by spouting Trump’s extremist, anti-democracy lies are emboldened -- and seem to be doubling down.
In the past year, the noxious spread of Trump’s Big Lie by these politicians and right-wing media has meant:
Voter suppression bills in states like Georgia, Florida, and Texas that target Black and brown voters…
Abuse of the Senate filibuster to block popular, common-sense bills to strengthen our democracy like the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act…
And most frighteningly, outright attempts at election sabotage -- where ultra-partisan GOP lawmakers try to give themselves the power to overturn the will of the voters as they please. [1]
Plus, at least ten attendees of the January 6th rally -- which devolved into the deadly attack on our Capitol -- ran for office in November and won. Three were elected to their state legislatures, while the other seven won local races. And several dozen more politicians who attended the rally will be up for re-election in 2022.
The sad fact is: we are up against an authoritarian, anti-democracy movement. And our only hope of stopping it -- and for our nation’s future, we must -- is building up and strengthening the people-powered movement that Common Cause has led for over 50 years.
You see, time and time again, Common Cause members have answered the call of history. You helped lead a nationwide movement for reform after the Watergate scandal. You’ve helped move decades worth of transformative pro-democracy laws through Congress and statehouses. And you responded to the challenges of the 2020 presidential election with our largest ever non-partisan Election Protection effort -- helping millions of voters be heard even in a pandemic.
Simply put: we are in a challenging moment for our democracy, but it’s a challenge that I believe we can live up to -- if we work together.
And John, we have an opportunity to continue that work tonight. Common Cause and our partners are holding a series of nationwide vigils to mark today’s solemn anniversary -- and to demonstrate solidarity in the fight to preserve democracy. Find a vigil near you or a virtual event to join us >>
January 6th, 2021 should have been a wake-up call for every American who loves democracy -- and it was for many of us. But too many, in the media and in elected office, are still acting as if we’re in normal times. We do so at our own peril and at our democracy’s peril.
I still believe, as I know you do, that government of, by, and for the people is a principle worth fighting for. I hope that in the coming weeks, months, and years, we’ll be able to count on you to speak up for our democracy -- and help ensure we leave a stronger one for the next generation.
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause