Dear John,

Our base of grassroots support spans the city. No other campaign in this race has a team that looks anything like ours.

Why? Because of you.

More than 1,000 people from all eight wards have contributed to our campaign. Look at the map, below. These are your neighbors. They want their next Attorney General to be a person who understands their needs.

As your Attorney General, I will fight back against powerful interests who take advantage of vulnerable residents. I will ensure fairness and justice for every resident regardless of who they know or where they come from.

This election will be hard fought. We need your help to expand our outreach and amplify our message.

Please join your neighbors and make a contribution today.

Our campaign will knock on doors, ring phones and engage voters online in every corner of the city. We want to be sure that every voter knows the importance of this election and the many issues that our next Attorney General will face. Your contribution is vital to our success.

Thank you for your support.

With gratitude,



Paid for by McDuffie 2022
Patrick Swygert, Jr., Treasurer.
1609 Buchanan Street NE, Washington, DC 20017
A copy of our report is filed with the DC Office of Campaign Finance.

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