In response to nationwide protests following George Floyd’s murder, private and philanthropic sectors committed at least $215 billion to racial equity initiatives. But sustaining these commitments will require moving beyond the “moment of crisis.”
What unique challenges do young people face when applying for and accessing safety net programs? Applicants and staff at youth-serving organizations offer recommendations for improving access to these supports.
One-third of American families don’t have the diapers they need to keep babies clean, dry, and healthy. By partnering with local diaper banks, home visiting programs can reduce diaper need among and build stronger connections with the families they serve.
The US has a scarcity of quality child care in neighborhoods with low and middle incomes, where providers have a hard time breaking even. Learn about an Australian policy that could provide a roadmap for a more equitable child care system in the US.
“Bill was both a giant in the world of public policy research and a kind, funny, warmhearted human.… His commitment to bringing the power of social science to improve lives and strengthen communities inspired so many over the years.”