Our end of year review of UK protests and plans for 2022
Extinction Rebellion logo white letters on pink

Hello John,


2021: A Year in Protest

As the year progressed, the pandemic and subsequent lockdown continued to make climate actions challenging, if not impossible. Gatherings of large groups became difficult or often illegal. Once-thriving local and regional meetings had become restricted largely to Zoom.

But that did not stop people from XR and associated groups across the country planning to revive climate protests as soon as conditions allowed. So for this issue of the Newsletter we’ve put together a few of the highlights from 2021 to celebrate their success


2022: What's next?

So here’s looking forward to another, and much bigger, year of action and protests. This month we will see the roll-out of the 2022 XR UK Strategy, with a virtual and in-person tour (depending upon Covid restrictions). The strategy includes a timeline for the year, with clear direction and focussed actions together with messages and resources to support your local and community groups.

Love and Rage,
The UK Newsletter Team

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