“Don’t Look Up” gives nod to CCL; new job listings.

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  Weekly Briefing, Jan. 5, 2021
Table of Contents:
CCL begins congressional push
Take action
Media: Lobbying with CCL op-ed
Upcoming trainings
This week on the CCL blog
CCL begins new push to pressure Congress on climate


CCL announced on Tuesday morning that we are starting a three-week campaign to contact Congress and the White House. This campaign will help to keep pressure on the importance of climate policies, including a carbon price, in the Build Back Better Act. 

President Biden has pledged to cut America’s carbon pollution 50% by 2030, and a carbon price is a key piece of legislation that will help our country reach that goal.  

CCL’s new push to contact Congress and the White House comes just weeks after Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced that he would not vote in favor of the Build Back Better bill. Fortunately, Sen. Manchin now seems to be ready to proceed with negotiations. On Tuesday afternoon, Sen. Manchin stated that the climate provisions section of Build Back Better will likely be the easiest part for Democrats to agree on. However, as the bill currently stands, these climate provisions do not yet include a carbon price. 

Will you write to Congress and the White House today?  Your message will remind them that climate action is of utmost importance in Build Back Better, and a carbon price is needed to reach our goals.



In other news this week:

  • Netflix movie plugs CCL: In December, millions of people tuned into the new drama “Don’t Look Up,” which follows two astronomers warning of a planet-killing comet hurtling toward Earth. The film’s director has said the movie is an allegory for climate change. A website for the film prompts viewers to take action, and it recommends CCL as a way to get involved in climate advocacy. CCL’s Strategy Director Tony Sirna indicates that CCL’s numbers might have gotten a boost from the website’s name drop. There was up to a 65 percent increase in CCL memberships during the last month in 2021 than there were during the same window of time in 2020.
  • Now hiring: CCL is now hiring for two different positions. One posting is for an Executive Assistant. Interested applicants can apply here. The second opening is for a Strategic Partnerships Manager. Interested applicants can apply for that position here.
Take action this week

If you have a little time: Share this tweet

David Frum, who served in President George W. Bush’s administration, tweeted in support of a carbon price and border adjustment to address coal use in China. Frum tweeted that “...democracies are not helpless in the face of Chinese coal development. A well-designed carbon tax can double as a carbon tariff…” Like and share Frum’s tweet here

If you have more time: Join the January national call

This month, we'll hear from José Aguto, executive director of Catholic Climate Covenant, which helps U.S. Catholics respond to the church's call to care for creation and care for the poor. José will talk about the Covenant's work, how to connect with Catholics on climate, and the Covenant's support for climate solutions like the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. You can find information here.

You can also connect with your nearest CCL chapter to take action in your community, or join one of CCL’s national online Action Teams to take action on specific topics like agriculture, health, faith, and more. Browse CCL Community’s Event Calendar to find upcoming events, trainings, and calls you can join.

Media: Volunteer writes about lobbying with CCL

CCL volunteer Pete Haug of the Palouse chapter published an op-ed in the Moscow-Pullman Daily News, where he discussed his experience lobbying with CCL.

In his piece, Pete describes his journey from a citizen who is skeptical of lobbying to a volunteer determined to make his concerns about climate change known. 

Pete notes that as information validating climate change’s existence grows, more and more influential organizations tout a carbon price as the most efficient and logical solution. 

“This is what Citizens’ Climate Lobby is working toward, and I’m happy to be a part of the focused, nonpartisan camaraderie in these efforts,” Pete writes. “Citizens’ Climate Lobby concentrates on getting the job done efficiently.”

Upcoming trainings

1/6: Developing Your Chapter’s Action Plan — Join Todd Elvins, CCL's Action Coordinator, for a training that provides an action guide that your group can use to plan for the year ahead. Join us!  

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

1/11: Social Media Basics — Join CCL’s Marketing Manager Ashley Hunt Martorano for a training geared at enhancing your group’s use of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Join us!

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.
This week on the CCL blog
Editorials key in push for carbon price: Throughout 2021, CCL volunteers generated multiple editorial endorsements from newspapers around the country, calling for a price on carbon. Read more.
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