
Just yesterday, Beth was endorsed by Texas Right to Life for her steadfast commitment to protecting our unborn. We wanted you to hear this great news and share in Beth’s momentum to help us win the House in November!

Our team is fired up over this year’s elections, and with the primary coming up, we need our grassroots army with us! We want to show Beth her grassroots army is ready.
The Radical Left is already losing their minds about being kicked out of power by strong, unwavering, conservatives like Beth.  And they are throwing everything at us to stop Beth from succeeding.  Your support RIGHT NOW is critical! 

More Americans than ever know just how bad Democrat leadership can be, and now it’s our turn to oust them and bring an American Wave to Washington!
We are so glad to have President Donald Trump and now Texas Right to Life on our team as we go forward.

However, this year is not going to be easy. Still, with the support of American patriots like yourself, we know Beth will continue on the path to victory and bring the values, leadership, and accountability America deserves. 

This is all possible with you being an active member in our grassroots army. Can we count on you to show Beth you are with her?
Thank you for your support, 
Team Van Duyne