It’s no secret the public education system is failing the rising generation… and it’s worse than you think.
Children are being taught to believe the government can solve our problems, Presidents such as FDR, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama are heroes, and that the entire history of the United States is racist and evil.
Students ought to learn the truth about US History and our presidents.
Do you know who one of the worst presidents in US History is? The answer may surprise you.
Answer: President Woodrow WilsonStudents are intentionally being taught a rewritten version of history so they embrace socialism and reject the values and principles that built the United States.
Woodrow Wilson was President from 1913 to 1921. He was responsible for passage of the 16th Amendment which created the income tax (that’s right… Americans did not always have to pay an income tax). He was also responsible for establishing the Federal Reserve and entering the United States into WWI.
The Federal Reserve and the federal income tax continue to serve as our biggest economic problems to this day, and unlimited money printing threatens to destroy the value of the US Dollar.
Here is the FULL breakdown of my plan to publish and distribute the Tuttle Twins History curriculum:
I am working with historians, authors, and curriculum experts to create an American History curriculum that will honor our past while telling the entire truth. We won’t shy away from controversy, but we will show the narrative underlying American history — our universal fight for freedom.
Working with our Tuttle Twins branding and illustrators, the history will be both entertaining and intellectually stimulating.
My goal is to distribute 5,000 copies of the Tuttle Twins American History curriculum and get 5 charter schools to make it their official curriculum in 2022.
The rising generation must learn the truth about our history if we expect them to ever inherit our country and promote civil liberties, free enterprise, and individualism.
The Tuttle Twins History curriculum will teach students about:
The Founding Fathers
The American Revolution
The Federal Reserve and Sound Money
The Bill of Rights
The Constitution
America’s foreign policy failures and successes
The Civil War and slavery
The Industrial Revolution
And much more
Please help me publish the Tuttle Twins American History curriculum by making a donation of any amount below:
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Not only are students NOT learning the basics about US history, the Founding Fathers, our Constitution, or economics, they are learning complete falsehoods! Left-wing textbooks and activist teachers are presenting the socialist version of history and teaching it as fact.
You and I can be a part of the solution.
Help me publish and distribute copies of the Tuttle Twins American History Curriculum by making a generous donation today.
If you donate $250 or more, I will include and honor your name in the credits of the textbook. You can donate by clicking here.
Thank you,
Connor Boyack
President, Libertas Institute
Author, Tuttle Twins
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