Access to health care at a time like this can be a question of life or death.


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With COVID-19 cases surging around the country, we must fight to protect and expand our health care infrastructure. Three years ago this week, Governor Janet Mills expanded Medicaid coverage and did just that -- and we must continue to build on that progress.

Access to health care at a time like this can be a question of life or death and we simply must do better than Paul LePage and his Trumpian health care policies to protect our families and communities.

Can you match your past contribution of $5 or whatever you can? It’s going to take all of us to reelect Democrats who are willing to protect affordable health care.

Governor Janet Mills and Maine Democrats want to continue expanding coverage and making care more affordable, but we can’t do that if LePage and the GOP are in control. We need all hands on deck if we’re going to protect and expand affordable health care in Maine.

So that’s why we’re asking, John:

Will you join us in our fight to defend Maine’s health care system at this pivotal moment? Pitch in $1, $5, $25 or whatever you can spare to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot.

Thank you for all you do,

Drew Gattine

Drew Gattine
Maine Democratic Party









Paid for by Maine Democratic Party. Not Authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Maine Democratic Party
PO Box 5258
Augusta, ME 04330
United States
