| Friends, I’m outraged by our “leadership” here in Connecticut. It’s maddening how little our “representatives” actually represent us. Here’s just a sampling of how awful they are: Governor Ned Lamont: King Ned has ruled like a tyrannical dictator. He has extended his emergency powers time and time again. He has refused to address the rising crime in our great state, saying that “we’ve done all that we can” even though it’s clearly not enough. Crime is up across all of Connecticut, and our streets are not safe. And when it comes to vaccines? King Ned wants to implement vax passports, keep our kids masked in schools, and force everyone to get vaccinated -- with no exceptions. He even mocked Mother Teresa when making fun of people with religious exemptions. Senator Richard Blumenthal: Blumenthal has made a fool of himself and made national news recently. Last month, he asked Facebook to “end Finsta,” showing his lack of basic tech understanding. This month, he spoke at a Communist Party Awards Ceremony where people were asked to become members so they can “tax the rich” and “end capitalism.” From the guy who is one of the wealthiest members of the Senate… that’s rich. And remember when he once told people that he “served in Vietnam” when he never did? That takes the cake. Senator Chris Murphy: Chris Murphy could care less about Connecticut. In fact, his vote wasn’t even counted in the 2019 elections because he was no longer a Connecticut resident -- Murphy, his wife, and their two kids moved to Washington, D.C. It took a media blitz for him to finally buy a house in Connecticut again… a year later. All Chris Murphy has done is try to sell disastrous Democratic policies to us. It’s time to vote all of these corrupt politicians out! We don’t need more Career Politicians who run our state into the ground. I’m fired up. We NEED to mobilize ASAP to support Republicans up and down the ballot. We can’t sit on the sidelines. It’s time for the Connecticut Comeback >>>. Thank you, Connecticut Republicans  Paid for by the Connecticut Republican Party. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. | Connecticut Republican Party 176 Laning Street Southington, CT 06489 If you would like to visit the Connecticut GOP website, click here Don't want to receive our emails anymore? Unsubscribe | |