
2022 is finally here, and we are less than two months away from our first election!

America saw crippling inflation, supply chain crises, and violent crime ravage our country last year, and our top resolution heading into 2022 is to ensure that these crises are put to an end.

Beth has been fighting to stop police forces from being defunded, jobs being put in jeopardy from vaccine mandates, and prices from skyrocketing. Now, it’s time for us to come together to stand with Beth in her mission to stop the Democrats before they can make the situation even worse!
The Democrats had their chance to improve America, but they squandered it on trillion-dollar partisan spending bills. The Left has no place running America, and with just five seats to go before we take the majority, your support this year will be crucial to our efforts. Victory is in sight - will you pitch in and help us grasp it?