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WSJ: Biden’s Worker-First Trade Policy Rankles Foreign Partners
The pursuit of the worker-centric policy could come at the expense of establishing U.S. global leadership on trade, said Ed Gresser, a former senior policy official for the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office during the Obama, Trump and Biden administrations.
“The administration wants to show America’s back,” said Mr. Gresser, now vice president of the Progressive Policy Institute, a nonprofit think tank. “It will be much harder to achieve that if what we’re seeing is the U.S. not participating in trade policy discussions and remaining in more nationalistic and more fearful mode.”
Insider: Biden wanted to build back better, but Manchin shot down his signature $2 trillion bill, preserving America as it is for now
"Democrats have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to improve American society, not just for a few years, but permanently," Ben Ritz, a budget expert at the centrist Progressive Policy Institute, wrote in a New York Times op-ed. "Doing so would give them some clear victories they can point to with voters that lay the groundwork for future success."
⮕ Insider
The Hill: Democrats look to scale back Biden bill to get it passed
Democratic lawmakers, lobbyists and experts at think tanks believe Manchin might be won over if the bill is revised to include fewer programs for a longer period of time.
“That is the way forward here,” said Ben Ritz, director of the Center for Funding America’s Future at the Progressive Policy Institute, who has advocated for a bill with fewer items.
“Most of the party is starting to come around to that,” Ritz added.
⮕ The Hill