Dear Friend --
Climate poses the greatest threat to the future of humanity.
The Green Party is the strongest political voice calling for real
solutions to reduce the severity of climate change and to provide hope
for a decent life for future generations. Democrats and Republicans at
all levels – from the state to the White House and Congress – continue
to protect the fossil fuel companies and their profits so the special
interest campaign contributions keep flowing.
you help the Green Party of New York with a donation of $20 today to
support the one party calling for an immediate halt to new fossil
fuels, a rapid phase-out of dirty energy uses — including nuclear,
natural gas and biomass — and transition within a decade to 100%
clean, renewable energy and zero emissions?
Electoral support for the Green Party is skyrocketing across the
planet as voters realize that the Greens are the one party committed
to strong, effective climate action. Greens now serve as national
environmental ministers in half a dozen countries. But in New York,
rather than take on the fossil fuel companies, the Democrats decided
to instead pass ballot access laws to kill alternative parties like
the Greens who reject corporate donations and control.
The world’s scientists – the IPCC – recently declared a climate
“Code Red” for the planet. The window to avoid the worst of extreme
weather is rapidly closing as wildfires, flooding, droughts and heat
waves ravage the world.
The Green Party was the first in the United States to campaign for
an ecosocialist Green New Deal in the 2010 New York gubernatorial
race. We called for a ten-year plan to reduce emissions to zero, power
the economy with clean, renewable public power and enact an Economic
Bills of Rights to ensure that the needs of everyone were met. We also
called for an immediate ban on fracking – well ahead of most of the
big environmental groups at the time.
Only the Green Party has a real plan to address environmental
injustices and deal with the worst effects of catastrophic climate
change. Can you help Green Party candidates amplify this bold plan in
every state and local elections in 2022?
We need energy and economic systems that are publicly owned and
democratically controlled, focusing on meeting the needs of all, not
increasing the wealth of the 1%.
2022 will be a pivotal year for the future of life on the planet –
and for the ability of the Green Party to continue in New York. Please
help us fight for your future by contributing today.
In solidarity, Gloria and
Peter, Co-Chairs Green Party of New