Happy New Year! We'll host a facilitated exercise to break in our 2022 efforts
Dear John -
Our first meeting of the new year is always a reflection as we think about what we want to prioritize in the year ahead. We invite you to participate in this exercise we learned from Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson in the How to Save a Planet podcast to tease out our strength, passion, and direction in the climate movement. Join Saturday at 11AM : D
CCL National Speaker: Jose Aguto, Catholic Climate Covenant - Jan 8, 1PM Support from faith communities carries considerable influence with members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, 30% of whom are Catholic. This month, we'll hear from José Aguto, executive director of Catholic Climate Covenant, which helps U.S. Catholics respond to the Church's call to care for creation and care for the poor. José will talk about the Covenant's work, how to connect with Catholics on climate, and the Covenant's support for climate solutions like the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. José worked for the Friends Committee on National Legislation before joining Catholic Climate Covenant. He served in the U.S. Army and is a graduate of Brown University and Villanova Law School.
National CCL events: If you are missing more CCL in your life, check out CCL National's event calendar.