Friend, The one-year anniversary of the January 6 Insurrection is in two days. It's promising to be a big day for progressive activism across the country, with more than 200 events in support of our democracy planned nationwide. We want to make sure you find an event to attend near you, so please make sure to check out the updated list of events! RSVP now for a candlight vigil to commemorate the anniversary of the right-wing Capitol attack! >> It's incredibly helpful for organizers to have an idea of how many people are planning on attending, so please take a moment to sign up today. We must make sure that far-right extremists never attack our democracy again – and that’s why we're going to rise up in peace and solidarity this Thursday. – People For's Digital Team ----[previous message]---- Friend, Next month, we will rise up in defense of our progressive values. In defense of our fair and free elections. In defense of our democracy. January 6 will mark one year since armed right-wing militants attacked the seat of our government and tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Across the country, activists will gather on that day to commemorate the lives lost and those still suffering the traumatic aftereffects of that violent attack and – most importantly – to urge Congress to take decisive action to make sure that nothing like that can ever happen again. Throughout the past year, the same faction of far-right extremists has been hard at work restricting our freedom to vote, attacking fair voting districts, and quietly preparing future attempts to sabotage elections. They are, without a doubt, the greatest threat our democracy has ever faced. Nearly 100 events are being planned nationwide to demand immediate passage of the critical voting rights protections and government accountability safeguards included in legislation like the Freedom to Vote Act and the Protecting Our Democracy Act. We need your help to make these events as big and bold as possible so that Congress hears us loud and clear: we’re counting on them to do everything in their power to protect our democracy. We don’t have time to waste. Sign up now for a January 6: Vigil for Democracy event near you! >> In community, – Sarah, Digital Campaigns Associate P.S. Please make sure that you follow local and CDC public health guidelines as you travel to and during any in-person event. P.P.S. If there isn’t an event close enough that you can make it, organize one for your community! There are weekly calls about hosting your own vigil on January 6 – sign up here! >>