Together, We Can!

Brothers and Sisters,

We have a criminal administration in Washington, sitting on top of decades of corruption from political and corporate élites.

Many of you know me, and are aware that I am not a wealthy man. I did not come from money, and I went into education because I want to make a difference, not a fortune! I cannot offer an easy out -- this has to be all of us, working together.

I can promise I'll contribute endless hours of work and solid integrity, and that I will always stand with the people of this district and country, and not the 1% and their lobbyists. But I need your help.

A campaign like ours sends a powerful message that we have had enough, and that it's time for real change in Washington. Send in a $10 contribution now and make your voice heard!

Our democracy, our freedoms, and our very way of life are under attack, and we can either rise up together, or fall on our own. Please stand with me, sisters and brothers, and reclaim the promise of the American Dream.

Yours in solidarity,
