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Tuesday, January 4th, 2022


Taking Back Our Liberty in 2022

Ron Paul, MD

Preventive Medicine for Viral Illnesses

Bill Sardi

Unprecedented: Deaths in Indiana for Ages 18-64 Are up 40%

Steve Kirsch

Do the Russians Realize They’re Dealing With Lunatics?

Paul Craig Roberts

Is the Omicron Scam a Dress Rehearsal for Something Much Worse?

Walter Gelles

Bitcoin, 2022, and the Real Story Behind Covid-9/11

Tom Luongo

Creating a Moral Philosophy Ex Nihilo

Bionic Mosquito

Covid Scam Falls Apart; It’s Over

Jon Rappoport

Crimes Against Our Country

James Howard Kunstler

Bizarre Neurological Illness Plagues Young Canadians

RT News

Mass Formation Psychosis – Billions of People Affected by This & Don’t Realize It

Dr. Robert Malone - Video

Walking in a Fauci Wonderland

Brian C. Joondeph, MD

LRC Blog

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