Folks, this isn’t how I wanted to start the new year. Unfortunately, we fell short of reaching our last end-of-quarter goal for 2021.
I’ll be honest, this isn’t great news. But, before I go any further, my campaign needs your help turning this around. Will you chip in to help us make up ground in the first month of the new year? Anything you can give would go a long way.
My team and I stressed before the end of the year that this goal was going to be our campaign’s most important. We weren’t exaggerating, either.
We’re already seeing the effects of missing our end-of-quarter goal. Republican attacks have gotten more aggressive, my opponents are stockpiling money, and pundits are casting doubt on the power of our movement.
Given that we’re running in a newly-drawn district that’s still very competitive and in-play, we can’t wait any longer to kick our momentum back into gear. After all, election year is officially underway and every dollar we raise from here on out matters.
I’m counting on your help. If you’re with my campaign and in this fight to keep this seat blue and protect our Democratic agenda, will you chip in right now? →
Your support means everything to this campaign.
Thanks so much,
Susie Lee