Can you guess what this is? Plus last week's answer and winner!
January 3, 2022
Monday Nature Mystery
We are pleased to announce the winner of our Monday Nature Mystery, Elise Milstein! (please email us your snail mail address and preference for a hat or tote bag to: [email protected]).
Congratulations to Elise for correctly identifying the call note of the Brown Creeper (Certhia americana). According to our good friends at All About Birds, “Brown Creepers are a tiny bird with an affinity for big trees!” Unlike White-breasted Nuthatches who work their way down tree trunks, Brown Creepers work their way up foraging for insects along the way. During intense cold snaps or inclement weather they may eat suet or sunflower seeds.
Last Week's audio mystery: Call of the Brown Creeper (Certhia americana), click here to listen. Photo: Donnie Rosie via Unsplash
Each Monday we’ll post a new photo and identify the previous week’s winner. They’ll receive an ASNV hat or tote bag.
Here is this week's mystery:
Be sure to post your answer on our Facebook page @AudubonVA under the Monday Mystery not reply to this email with your guess!
Please remember to write the common name, being mindful of hyphens, uppercase and lowercase letters and always include the Latin name in parentheses. To learn more about bird names click here.
Photo: Laura McDonald
Who made these holes in an American Holly? Post your guess (please list both common name and Latin name) on our Facebook page @AudubonVA under this week's Monday Nature Mystery.
Good luck!
-Audubon Society of Northern Virginia
Please note that all entries are date and time-stamped. We review each correct answer to see who commented first. If someone 'likes' your comment, it would move it up on the list, making it look like the first post. Winners are limited to one prize every 90 days.