
Somewhere along the line, our country lost sight of how to make things work for everyone.

We ended up with an economy and a political system that only works for the wealthy few—while the working folks who dug the deepest and sent our nation soaring were left behind.

I’m running for Senate because it’s time to hit the reset button in Washington and cut workers in on the deal. If you’re with me, will you split a donation between my campaign and Serve America?


Folks, I can’t do this without you. This race will be close—I’m polling within single digits of my GOP extremist opponents—and we know what they’ll do if they get power.

They’ll obstruct any stitch of progress and pass tax breaks for their wealthy friends who bankroll their campaigns. They don’t give two hoots about hardworking Ohioans.

Look, the only way we’ll win this thing is with a surge of grassroots support—people chipping in what they can, when they can, to give the GOP a run for their money.

Will you chip in $25 -- split between my campaign and Serve America -- to send me to the Senate so we cut workers in on the deal?


Let's do this!

-- Tim Ryan