Dear Friend, I’m writing you today to say THANKS for your support – and give you a preview of the big fights shaping up for 2022. First and most importantly, the thanks part. The simple fact is that as a nonprofit organization, People For depends on donations from grassroots supporters like you to carry out our important work fighting the Far Right and defending our American ideals of democracy, equality, justice, and opportunity for all. So many of you stepped up in response to our end-of-year fundraising campaign, just as you’ve stepped up again and again, throughout a challenging year, with your support and activism. On behalf of everyone here at People For, you have our deepest gratitude. I'm both proud and humbled to know that you’re in this fight, ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with us as we work every day to bend the moral arc towards justice. And, more than anything, it gives me hope. Second, I wanted to share a preview of the coming year with you, because we need you to keep fighting with us as hard as ever. It’s no exaggeration to say that 2022 could be the year American democracy, as we know it, dies out. Three days from now marks one year since the failed insurrection and far-right coup that tried to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election – and unfortunately, since then the attacks on our democracy have only escalated. The same Big Lie that led to the violent insurrection has fueled an unprecedented wave of voter suppression and election nullification laws from far-right state legislatures around the country. So, as we enter the new year, our most urgent priority remains pushing for passage of democracy-saving voting rights legislation like the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. We continue to lead the vital effort to get President Biden to use the influence of his office and every bit of political capital at his disposal to lead his party in overcoming the Senate filibuster to pass these bills. Stay tuned for major news on People For’s efforts to reshape public safety in America and stop police killings with innovative reforms and a roadmap for local governments to lead the way with the approaches best suited to their cities and counties. We’re likely to have a Supreme Court vacancy as early as the beginning of the summer. One of the unsung victories of 2021 was how much progress we made in confirming President Biden’s judicial nominees and starting to undo the harm done to our judicial branch by four years of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. Despite the Supreme Court’s current far-right majority, we know that we need to fight for every seat and we know that when President Biden fulfills his pledge to nominate the first Black woman to the Court, the Far Right will come after his nominee with a ferocity and zeal they reserve especially for women of color they see as threats. And, of course, much of our past and all of our future progress will be on the ballot in the midterm elections this November – including accountability for the organizers of the January 6 insurrection, continued efforts to rebalance the courts after the Trumpian far-right swing, and the future of our democracy itself, with white supremacists, insurrectionists, and neo-fascists running for federal, state, and local offices around the country. So it’s shaping up to be a momentous year. But thanks to your efforts and donations, People For will be engaged on all these fronts this year. So again, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for standing with us to protect and defend the American Way. All the best to you in 2022, Ben Jealous, President P.S. A great first action for you to take in the New Year to help save our democracy would be to attend one of the many January 6 Vigils for Democracy happening around the country this Thursday. And if you haven’t yet renewed your People For membership for 2022, you can do that with a contribution of any size here.