GOC's Armed & Informed 
Modern Collection

HAPPY NEW YEAR GUN OWNERS!  GOC is closing the door on 2021 with a bang and we are gearing up our battle for 2022 in the courts, the legislature and yes - in the elections. As the pandemic swings into year three, we plan on taking full advantage of the push back that is happening in California and across the country. If anything has shown us these past years, it’s that the fear mongers in control don’t know squat about how to protect our country, let alone our individual families and businesses.  JOIN US AS WE SEEK TO PROTECT WHAT IS CONSTITUTIONALLY OURS!

And a funny thing happened along the way through our current mess – the rush to buy guns has busted records across the nation - EVEN LEFTIST PROGRESSIVES ARE BUYING GUNS! Check out the stories on California’s rich and famous - their insulation from crime is suddenly not working so well and they are frightened.  Really – bullet proof cars and fake Rolex watches? These are the same hypocrites that lobby heavily against us having firearms.

In 2021, working the Capitol was an exercise in frustration and patience. We are pleased that of the 26 bills we were following, only 3 got to Governor Newsom’s desk. No matter what faces us this year, we will continue to fight hard for you - regardless of the obstacles. And STAY TUNED on GOC’s action in the courts with our many amicus briefs.


We are also pleased to report that our 52 Guns in 52 Weeks Raffle tickets are HOT! A lot of folks stuffed them into stockings, and we just announced our first winner on Saturday. We sold out early last year, so get while the getting is good!

CALL (916) 984-1400 to order your tickets TODAY!


The Rich and Famous Flock to Beverly Hills’ Only Gun Store | Breitbart

And what do they want? Protection. Ridiculous hypocrites.

L.A. Elites Trying to Escape Consequences of Bad Policies | Ammoland

You know – the ones they impose on the rest of us?

Hi-Profile L.A. Crimes Spark Rush for Bullet-Proof Cars, Rolex Replicas | Hollywood Reporter

Wealthy clients are increasing protective measures – buying guns too.

Shutting Down 'Ghost Gun' Bans Good For The Second Amendment | Bearing Arms

And GOC will continue to fight this in California.

Gun Control Advocates Had a Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Year | NSSF

Those millions of new gun sales must be a burr under their saddle…

VoteVets ‘Veterans’ Org Funded by the Left to Push Gun Control | Truth About Guns

Bloomberg among big donors to elect progressives.

Liberal PAC Source for Media’s 2024 Anti-Gun Disinformation | Ammoland

More on VoteVets – a PAC designed to fool voters.

Defensive Gun Use Prove Armed Civilians Make Situations Safer | Daily Signal

More incidents on citizens protecting themselves, others.

Canadians Aren’t Turning in Their Guns | The Reload

Out of an estimated 105,000 guns, 160 have been turned in.

What Are The Biggest Priorities For 2022? | Ammoland

High stakes in a whole lot of states with respect to gun ownership.

Why Political Moderates Walked Away from Gun Control | Ammoland

The Leftist turn is too much for some moderates.



You can help us ARM and INFORM more people in California.

