Each Candidate will give a 2 minute opening statement
Candidate Debate Section (estimated 30 minutes)
8 Total Questions / 2 Per Candidate
- Moderator asks a specific Candidate a question
- Candidate has 1 minute to respond
BUT the other Candidates each have a "rebuttal card" that they can use to reply. If they choose to use their rebuttal card, they will have 1 minute to respond. The first candidate will additionally have 1 minute to respond.
Quickfire Section (estimated 15 minutes)
- Moderator asks all candidates 1 question
- Each candidate gives 1-2 sentence answer
Each Candidate will give a 2 minute closing statement
MODERATOR: "Candidate A, what do you think about XXX?"
CANDIDATE A: "I think XXX is very bad."
CANDIDATE C: "Claiming my rebuttal opportunity, XXX is Actually Good."
CANDIDATE A: "Counterargument, xxx is very bad."
MODERATOR: "Candidate B, what do you think about YYY?"
CANDIDATE B: "YYY is amazing, if well regulated."
CANDIDATE C: "Claiming my rebut..."
MODERATOR: "I'm sorry, you've already used your one rebuttal opportunity. Hush."