
We’re emailing to ask you to give $5 to help Admiral Mike Franken defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and expand our Democratic majority in the Senate.

Here’s why: Iowa will be one of the closest races in the country this year, and Senate control is at stake in Mike’s campaign against Grassley. But right now, we’re still 64 donations short of our daily goal and what we need to start January strong and win.

Mike’s not taking money from corporate PACs. Instead, he’s relying on grassroots donors like you to fund his campaign.

But here’s the truth: We need to hit this goal if we're going to be able to fully fund our campaign to take on Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell’s Super PACs. We just can't afford to fall short right now.

There’s still time for us to make up the difference, but we’re counting on grassroots donors like you to give right now:

Please, can you chip in $5 or more right now – whatever you can spare today – to help Admiral Mike Franken defeat Chuck Grassley and turn Iowa blue? Every dollar you give today will help us get back on track to hitting our goal and expand our Democratic Senate majority.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Hitting these goals sets the tone for the entire campaign, and it will decide whether or not we’re able to elect a bold Democrat like Mike to the Senate and confront the climate crisis, take on Big Pharma, and rein in Wall Street.

Thank you for being a part of the campaign,

Team Franken