Members of Senate Climate Solutions Caucus announced; Columbia University publishes new study on Energy Innovation Act 

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  CCL Weekly Briefing, Nov. 6, 2019
Table of Contents:
Call Congress + Senate Caucus news
Media: Op-ed in South Florida 
This week on the CCL blog
Training topics
Action Team updates
Call Congress to help with our November lobbying effort

On Nov. 12, more than 800 CCL volunteers will be on Capitol Hill to lobby for the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. Today is the day we’re asking everyone to call their members of Congress using the tool at Watch a short video from CCL VP of Government Affairs, Danny Richter, which explains why this action is so important. If you don't get a chance to call today, calling on Thursday or Friday will be a big help too!


Other news this week:

Senate Climate Solutions Caucus members announced: Today, Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Mike Braun (R-IN) announced who will be joining them on their newly formed Senate Climate Solutions Caucus: Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Angus King (I-ME), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Michael Bennet (D-CO). Read the news in The Hill, or tune into CBS This Morning on Thursday for an appearance from the senators. 

Columbia economists study H.R. 763: Today, Columbia University’s Center for Global Energy Policy released a study about the economic impacts of the Energy Innovation Act. You can hear directly from Columbia’s Noah Kaufman, one of the authors of the study, and CCL Research Coordinator Jerry Hinkle, on a Citizens’ Climate University webinar next week.

Tell local media about your D.C. trip: If members of your chapter are attending CCL's November Lobby Day in D.C., that's a great opportunity for local media stories. Personalize this new press release template and send it to your local outlets.

Tweet Congress on Lobby Day: One more way to support our volunteers who will be lobbying on Nov. 12 is to tweet your support for the Energy Innovation Act to your members of Congress. Learn more.

Media: Op-ed in South Florida 

Last month, we distributed an op-ed from CCL Executive Director Mark Reynolds and invited groups to insert local information and submit it to newspapers. So far, the op-ed has shown up in 17 papers around the country, including South Florida, where CCL volunteer Greg Hamra got it published in The Invading Sea, a collaborative project of the Miami Herald, Palm Beach Post and South Florida Sun-Sentinel. 

CCL volunteers are regularly activating the “five levers” of political will in their communities. To talk with other CCLers about their media work and get advice or ideas for your own, head to the “Working with Media” forum on CCL Community.

This week on the CCL blog 

Mayors talk climate solutions:
The steps cities take to reduce carbon emissions play a big role in the battle against climate change. Members of the Golden, Colorado, CCL chapter (pictured above) organized an event where local mayors discussed climate solutions. Read more.

2019 June Meeting Analysis: Check out the key findings from CCL's 528 congressional meetings in June, and learn how volunteers will be responding to Congress' questions and concerns. Read more.

A win for carbon pricing: With the future of carbon fee and dividend on the line, Canadians went to the polls last month, and parties that back carbon pricing emerged as the winners, winning enough seats to control Parliament and retain Justin Trudeau as prime minister. Read more.

Training topics

CCL offers two ongoing learning series: Citizens' Climate University for existing volunteers, and Core Volunteer Training for new volunteers. Here are the next few sessions you can join: 

11/7 Citizens' Climate University: Lobby Day Logistics and Q&A - Curious about what to expect during November Lobby Day? Join CCL Project Specialist Morgan McCue and CCL Membership Coordinator Sara Wanous for a final walk-through of the event schedule and logistical details. Learn more.

11/12 Core Volunteer Training: Economics of Carbon Fee and Dividend Policies - Learn the basic components of the policy behind the Energy Innovation Act. Learn more

11/14 Citizens' Climate University: Columbia’s Assessment of Energy Innovation Act - Columbia University economist Noah Kaufman and CCL Research Coordinator Jerry Hinkle review the new study on H.R. 763. Learn more.

To see upcoming topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community

Action Team updates

Featured Action Team: Led by David Christian, the Effective Communications Action Team provides a system for learning and practicing "Motivational Interviewing" skills, and a forum for sharing how you are using them in your lobby meetings, outreach, and recruitment. On the team's call on Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. ET/ 5 p.m. PT, executive coach and organization change expert Steve Levin (pictured) will teach us how to respond to resistance by “reframing” a conversation based on someone’s values and beliefs.

You can learn about, join, and get call details on the Effective Communications Action Team's page on Community. 

Other upcoming Action Team calls… 

  • 11/6 - Climate and Culture Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.  Guest speaker Brett Cease will talk about volunteer engagement.  

  • 11/7 - Presbyterian Action Team call at 3 p.m. ET/12 p.m. PT.

  • 11/7 - Peace Corps Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT. This will be a joint call with Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.

  • 11/12 - Agriculture Action Team call at 12 p.m. ET/9 a.m. PT.

  • 11/13 - Youth Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.

  • Visit the full event calendar for dial-in details and future events

To check out all of CCL's Action Teams and join any that interest you, head to the Action Team directory on CCL Community.

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CCL Climate Advocate Training
Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our Informational Session, then register for our Climate Advocate Training, and wrap up with our Core Volunteer Training.
The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm ET, 5pm PT.
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Climate Advocate Training is held the first Wednesday of every month at 1 pm ET and the third Wednesday monthly at 8 pm ET (adjust for your local time zone).
Register for Climate Advocate Training

Core Volunteer Training is held weekly on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET, 5 pm PT.
Register for Core Volunteer Training
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