
As you know, it's official. Senator Joe Manchin announced that he plans to vote no on the Build Back Better Act when -- or if -- it comes up for a vote.

If Manchin sticks to his decision, he would be killing the largest investment in the fight against climate change by our government in history -- shutting down over $555 billion in critical spending and making it nearly impossible for the U.S. to meet its emissions-cutting pledges under the Paris Agreement.

This shouldn't come as a surprise.

Senator Manchin in his role as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources has repeatedly ignored, stalled, or shot-down attempt after attempt to transition our country away from climate crisis causing fossil fuels to sustainable alternatives such as wind and solar.

Senator Manchin must face consequences for his betrayal of the American people, the President, and his colleagues in the House and Senate.

Whether our pressure leads to Manchin caving once again -- only this time in our favor -- in order to keep the Chairmanship or it leads to him booted from his committee role, it's time to hold Senator Manchin accountable.

Demand Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer replace Senator Manchin as Chair of the most important environmental committee in the U.S. Senate NOW.

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Thank you for taking action. Seriously addressing the climate crisis is going to require all of us.

- Tre

Tre Graves
Digital Organizing Coordinator
Democracy for America