John, one year ago today, the people of Washington's 8th Congressional District put their trust in me and elected me to represent them in Congress.

Together, we rejected corporate PAC money, because special interests like big pharma, fossil fuels, and the NRA have no place in our politics. Fundamentally, that is what my campaign has always been about -- bringing the voices of people to Congress and making sure we have a government that works for all of us.

Every day for the last year, I have been honored to be your voice in Congress. And as stunning as it may seem, we're already facing the next election -- in just under a year!

Our team is getting ready for this fight, but we're not going to be able to come out on top again without the support of people like you. Can I count on you to chip in $5 or more now to help us get our 2020 election fund prepared for what comes next?

When I first took office, I promised you I would fight every single day for you and the values we all share.

To me, that means fighting for affordable health care because as a community pediatrician and person living with Type 1 diabetes, I know that we can -- and must -- do better. It means taking responsibility to protect our planet, because we can combat climate change while also creating jobs in clean energy. And it means protecting women's reproductive rights because women can and must be trusted to make our own health care decisions.

Since that day a year ago, I have done my very best to be a voice for our entire district because, at our core, the values of people from Issaquah to Ellensburg, Cashmere to Eatonville are the same. I promise to continue to be a voice for every one of you -- but I'm going to need your help if we want to win again in 2020.

So please, help me and my team keep up the momentum from this past year. Chip in $5 or more now to help us make sure we have what we need to be successful in 2020.

Thank you,


Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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