
Last night, we conquered our first end-of-quarter FEC deadline. It was the biggest and most important deadline of our campaign to defeat Chuck Grassley so far. I’m happy to report that, with the help of grassroots donors like you, we smashed our $100,000 goal! Thank you.

I’m running for Senate because our nation needs a Senate that works for everyone, especially the next generation.

I’m running for Senate because we need quality healthcare for everyone, the type of healthcare I received as a three-star Admiral in the military.

I’m running for Senate because we have become immune to logic in addressing gun violence. Gun ownership must require a higher level of responsibility and the NRA's blood money needs to be called out. Enough is enough.

I’m running for Senate because climate change is real, it’s existential, and we must take more action now before it is too late.

I’m running for Senate because politicians, like my opponent Chuck Grassley, have been sullied by special interests. I don’t take money from corporate PACs because a people-powered campaign will always be stronger than Super PACs and their dark money. Sign me up for real campaign finance reform.

And I’m running for Senate because our very democracy is at stake. From insurrectionists and the Big Lie to coordinated attacks on the right to vote, we are in a battle for the future of our republic.

When then-Iowa House member Chuck Grassley was asked, “Why are you running for the U.S. House,” almost fifty years ago today, he responded, “Because I think I can win.” We need less of that – win at all costs – and more of ‘get it done.’

That’s why my New Year’s resolution this year is simple: Ending Chuck Grassley’s 46-year career in Washington once and for all. I will be the Senator for all of Iowa.

I am so grateful that you are a part of this campaign, because I know that together we can turn Iowa blue and protect our Democratic majority in the Senate.

Let’s make it so,

Mike Franken, VADM, U.S. Navy (ret.)