Dear Friend,
This year on Giving Tuesday we asked you to help us as we sought to raise $250,000 by December 31st. The support of so many in our community in recent weeks was overwhelming, and thanks to our generous donors we are so pleased to announce that we far exceeded that goal.
Your generous contributions of all sizes are helping EPPC forge ahead with the urgent work before us as fights intensify in the coming months and years over culture and public policy on transgender ideology, religious liberty, family policy, and Big Tech’s stranglehold on the marketplace of ideas.
Friend, your friendship and your interest in EPPC’s work means so much to me—thank you for being a part of our crucial mission.
With the continuing help of our generous community, EPPC is providing a comprehensive response to the challenges of secular progressivism and is strengthening the political witness of orthodox religious believers through our work with policy and church leaders, culture makers, and families.
Thank you for making this timely work possible, and may God bless you.


Ryan T. Anderson
President, Ethics and Public Policy Center