Friend, with just hours left before our 2021 fundraising deadline, can we count on you to make a tax-deductible donation to Mercy Corps? You can make your donation online by credit card, PayPal, and Apple Pay — so you can quickly get back to your New Year’s celebrations.
Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year! – The Mercy Corps team ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Craig @ Mercy Corps <[email protected]> Date: Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 4:39 PM Subject: One more thing — |
Hi there, here’s a quick reminder to complete your tax-deductible, year-end gift to Mercy Corps. As the Omicron variant surges and the hunger crisis escalates around the world, we know 2022 will bring many challenges. Now is the time to join the global community of Mercy Corps donors. Will you make your donation to help Mercy Corps promote peace, health, and economic prosperity around the world in 2022?
For families who have fled their homes and are living in camps where clean water can be out of reach — and for people everywhere who are striving to create a better life in the face of extreme challenges — make your year-end gift right now ▸
Asma washes her hands in her family’s kitchen at a camp in Iraq, where Mercy Corps has helped supply 1,700 displaced families with safe water and sanitation services.
Thank you for your support, The Mercy Corps team
We know you’re hearing a lot from us these days. The reason is simple: Every dollar we raise right now helps the people we work with protect their families and improve their lives. If you’ve already made your gift (thank you!) or would rather not get our year-end emails click here to stop receiving email until January.