Hi John,
Thank you for your partnership with PJI; I have one last question for you in 2021.
Before midnight tonight, would you support PJI financially, by becoming a monthly member? ([link removed]) Your tax-deductible monthly gift will help Pacific Justice Institute continue the fight for our religious liberties and ensure everyone gets the help they need.
There's three important motivations to do so...
* First, as you may be aware, all of our counsel, representation, defense, research, and resource publication is done at no charge to our clients
* Through the generosity of several supporters, a $300,000 matching grant has been established, so today your monthly donation will be doubled for every month in 2022. For example, that means your $100 Founding Father monthly membership will yield $2,400 in 2022, amplifying your impact! ([link removed])
* And according to Charity Navigator, the well-respected charity assessment organization that evaluates hundreds of thousands of charities, more of your donation dollar goes to the work of our ministry of defending religious freedom, parental rights, and the sanctity of life than any other nonprofit legal defense organization in America!
Please help us finish 2021 strong. And if you're already a monthly member, thank you very much and please consider increasing your monthly donation level and also passing this email on to people you know who might be interested and blessed by what we do at PJI. Thanks again.
Running the Race,
Brad Dacus
Founder and President
Pacific Justice Institute
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For two years in a row, PJI has earned the top, four star rating based on financial stewardship, accountability and ministry transparency from the nation's premiere charity assessment organization, Charity Navigator. More of your PJI donation goes directly to the work of the ministry than any other free legal defense organization in America.
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Institute - P.O. Box 276600, Sacramento, CA 95827-6600
Phone: (916) 857-6900. Fax: (916) 857-6902. Email: info@pji.org
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