Dear John,
In less than four hours, we’ll be saying goodbye to what for so many of us was a challenging year. And Farm Sanctuary’s year-end triple match opportunity will be over.
Your support this year has made all the difference for vulnerable farm animals.
Because of you, we’ve been able to navigate the challenges of the ongoing pandemic while continuing to care for each of our rescued animals and keep our staff safe. We also expanded our online education programs to engage more students than ever before. And thanks to you, we took steps to secure a more compassionate future for farm animals by advocating against inhumane farming practices.
Please, before the clock strikes twelve, help us do even more in 2022 by taking advantage of this final opportunity to have your impact TRIPLED—up to $100,000!
Thank you for thinking of us this year and especially this giving season. From everyone at Farm Sanctuary, Happy New Year!
Yours for farm animals,
P.S. If you become a Farm Sanctuary member, you will gain access to exclusive benefits including a free subscription to our member magazine, opportunities to sign petitions, updates on urgent rescues, and early access to book the cabin and cottage accommodations at our New York shelter. Please, join Farm Sanctuary today and start 2022 with farm animals in mind.