Real quick, friend –

I wanted to make sure you saw the email I sent out yesterday. Long story short, I'm working with American Bridge to help Democrats hold on to our House and Senate majorities and hold scumbag Republicans accountable.

They set an end-of-year goal of raising $25,000 to defend our majorities next year, but we've only got a few hours before midnight and we're still $4,721 short.

I'm not trying to B.S. you here. If not enough people step up to the plate, the GOP's chances of taking back the House and Senate will be nearly locked in – and our democracy will be dismantled for their own gain.

Will you step up right now to help Democrats win the most competitive races around the country? Chip in ASAP using this link here:


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Carville
Date: Thu, Dec 30, 2021
Subject: real quick: