From Mike King <[email protected]>
Subject Tonight [reminder]
Date December 31, 2021 10:09 PM
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There's still time to show love for your neighbors this year

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As we say goodbye to 2021, here's one way to end the year on a high

Join us tonight and if you haven't already, make a year-end
donation to VOA.

Families who become homeless or hungry turn to us because they have
nowhere else to go. With the spike in demand for our services,
particularly now with Omicron's impacts on those most vulnerable,
VOA's emergency assistance continues to be vital. But it is only
possible with your support.

Make your year-end gift now

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Your donation before midnight is fully tax-deductible for the 2021 tax

2021 ends in a few hours. I promise your year-end donation will help
fuel resources that will make a lifesaving difference.

God bless, and Happy New Year!

Mike King, President & CEO
Volunteers of America

My Donation 

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Make it Monthly 

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MATCH ALERT: Gifts matched up to midnight tonight.

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- All Rights Reserved. We are designated tax-exempt under section
501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contributions are
tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
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