Dear Townhall friends and allies,
In a bit, I want to introduce you to Townhall VIP but first...
Thank you.
It seems like only yesterday it was 1995 and we turned on the lights here and duct-taped cables and computers together to launch Twenty-five years later and with 2020 on the horizon, we’ve watched digital media transform our lives, our politics, journalism and activism that shapes our country.
Throughout the decades, we’ve been dedicated to our core mission;
  1. Hold our elected officials and mainstream media accountable
  2. Expose the big government, fascist, and socialist agendas being pushed by leftist advocacy groups
  3. Fact-check the Left
  4. Protect and promote timeless conservative principles
  5. Cover breaking news and provide you with the facts you need for debates about socialism, gun control, immigration, culture, taxes, liberty, and more.
We’ve published over 70,000 articles, columns, investigations and humor.  I’m honored by your loyalty and humbled by the millions of readers who drop by everyday for a dose of sanity and reason.  You have been our foundation.
Our very own Katie Pavlich and Guy Benson are fighting the Left on TV daily.  Kurt Schlichter is taking on the weak-kneed establishment 24/7. Matt Vespa is exposing daily left-wing media insanity.  With the election only twelves months away, the whole Townhall team is digging into the 2020 Democrat candidates.
In just the past ten years, our family has grown even bigger. We’ve joined forces with, and, built a 2nd Amendment community of over two million from scratch and most recently, joined the family. Together, Townhall Media has become the leading source of news online that conservatives seek. This is because of and thanks to you. 
But good news and success doesn’t come without ups and downs. The online media business is uniquely challenging and competitive. We have survived and flourished because we put you, and all of our readers, first. You’ve let us know when we’ve done well and where we can improve. We’ve listened.
I’m so excited about the growth we’re planning for the 2020 election and beyond. The media landscape is as disorganized as it’s ever been and it’s harder and harder to find news we can all trust.  Every day, the liberal mainstream media attempts to drive a narrative with the expectation it will be accepted. Sadly, many of our fellow Americans fall for it.
We’re fighting back and pursuing the truth. Townhall Media is ready to rise to the occasion and be the media outlet America needs at this critical moment. We’re investing more than ever on reporting, incisive commentary, investigative exposés, and fact-checking the Left. Because we’re happy warriors, we’ll also be having some fun while we do it.
This kind of growth won’t be possible if we allow ourselves to be at the mercy of the big tech censors and the liberal elite The growth we need is essential, not optional. It is critical that our mission continues and grows dramatically.
Which is why I’m inviting our most loyal readers to something special. Starting today, we’re offering our faithful readers a VIP membership to Townhall -- with exclusive privileges only for a select few.
We know many of you love Townhall, but hate the ads. We’ve been listening. Starting today, we’re going to be offering an ad-free option. This will further streamline our recent efforts to reduce the time it takes to load your favorite articles.
Don't worry. What has been free will remain free.
We’ve also realized that politics today needs more coverage. Too often we find ourselves having to choose between exposing Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren. Do we fact-check today’s CNN garbage or MSNBC’s? We can’t afford to let either of them get away with their misleading and dangerous antics.
With a Townhall VIP membership, you’ll be supporting -- and get exclusive access to -- a robust investigative reporting and fact-checking effort we’ve just not been able to do in the past.  
Whether it’s Katie Pavlich on the border, Guy Benson from Democrat debate halls, or Julio Rosas getting answers from dodgy leftist politicians, you will get the very best we have to offer and you will be the one making it possible. 
In addition to supporting our journalism, fact-checking, news, commentary, and analysis, we’re providing a unique opportunity for our VIP Gold members.  These select members will have a communication channel to our editors and writers. We’ll also be holding regular, live conversations that will be available only to this exclusive club.
II hope you’ll be part of this next era at as we expand to meet the challenges of the 2020 political battle ahead. If you join Townhall VIP quickly, your membership will be tagged as a Charter Membership which will signify your dedication to the fight and help us start fighting the Left harder -- right now. 
Jonathan Garthwaite
Twitter: @jongarthwaite
P.S. Please tell me you’re with us. The stakes in 2020 couldn’t be higher and I need to know we’ve got you in our corner.

P.O. Box 9660, Arlington, VA 22219
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