PFAW Member, What a victory! Before breaking it down a bit, let me start with a big THANK YOU for everything you contributed! Hundreds of PFAW members volunteered – not just in Virginia but all around the country. Thousands of you donated to PFAW’s comprehensive statewide campaign to turn Virginia blue as well as directly to many of our endorsed candidates. We’re thrilled to celebrate the BIG progressive wins in Virginia with you, where PFAW pulled out all the stops to FLIP both chambers of Virginia’s General Assembly, giving Democrats control of that state’s legislature for the first time in nearly a quarter century and paving the way for a new era of progressive policy and reforms to benefit the people of both Virginia and the country as a whole. Virginia is now the shining example of what can happen in the South with sustained investment and work. Yesterday’s other major victory was Democrat Andy Beshear winning the governor’s race in Kentucky. This is a state that went for Trump by 30 points … where the Republican incumbent, Matt Bevin, was as Trumpian of a candidate as you can get … where Trump himself campaigned for Bevin … and where Republicans themselves tried to make the election a referendum on impeachment. Trump begged Republican voters in Kentucky to turn out for Bevin because of how the race would reflect on him personally, saying, "You can't let that happen to me!" Trump has until now been largely successful in rallying his base to prop up Republicans at the state level with pre-election campaign stops in the deep red states where he is most popular … but Bevin’s far-right attacks on health care and on teachers made him unpopular, even in deep red Kentucky, and provided the setting for a critical repudiation of the “Trump Effect.” Last night’s result in Kentucky has Republicans sweating today – both because of what it means for the potential weakening of Trump’s base and because of what it could mean for another disastrously unpopular Republican who is up for reelection in that state next year: Mitch McConnell (who just moved up on our 2020 target list!). Now, back to Virginia! Yesterday’s victory was years in the making. It was more than just turning a map from red to blue. It was monumental in what it will mean for the lives of Virginians and for our national political landscape – with massive consequences for voting rights, health care, common-sense gun reform, gerrymandering, abortion access, and so much more. And it was also historic and drenched in important symbolism. Virginia wasn’t just a reliably red state going back every modern election cycle until 2008, it was the capital of the Confederacy … the home of the ban on interracial marriage that needed to be overturned in Loving v. Virginia … the home of Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and other iconic members of the radical Religious Right pantheon, as well as their many universities and institutions … the home of some of the worst attacks on women and LGBTQ people in the country, including attempted legislation like the infamous transvaginal ultrasound law and an anti-trans bathroom ban… We at PFAW recognized many years ago the potential to create in Virginia a template for long-term progressive change in America – even in the South. And we all are eternally grateful that you stood with us, and believed and invested in this vision. Last night, all the hard work paid off and now every statewide elected office and the entire legislature in Virginia are controlled by Democrats. You helped make history. Thanks to the support of our members like you, we’ve been shining a light on Virginia every year for many years. PFAW’s Right Wing Watch had covered extreme right-wing activist E.W. Jackson for years before he made it onto the Republican ticket as the GOP’s candidate for lieutenant governor – our research helped defeat him. When he ran for governor, we exposed Republican Ken Cuccinelli’s ugly anti-Latino racism that he thought he could get away with because no one was looking. WE were looking, though, and we were instrumental in defeating him – in part by turning out the Latino vote. In the last gubernatorial election, we exposed and defeated Republican candidate Ed Gillespie who thought he could win by running as just Trump enough – putting on an establishment, mainstream face for some audiences while aiming to rile up his base with racist anti-immigrant ads right out of the Trump playbook. There will be lots of analysis in the coming days, but let’s be clear, what we saw last night is that progressivism – especially in the form of a backlash to Trumpism – is contagious and it even sells in places the prevailing “conventional wisdom” might not predict. Last night’s results helped prove that progressives and Democrats need to compete EVERYWHERE. Democrats ran candidates in far more races than Republicans, in what were thought of as “safe” districts, and it paid off. PFAW’s Latinos Vote! program engaged mightily with targeted Spanish-language radio ads on seven stations, we ran digital ads in 30 competitive districts, we fielded staff and volunteers all over the state, and hosted phone banks both in our DC office and online for activists across the country. We’ll be sending more in the coming days on specific numbers … we’ll tell you about how effective our ads were; how we reached thousands of voters in the most crucial races by knocking on doors and on the phone; how we invested in longshot young, progressive candidates who now will help lead our movement for a generation; how we helped bring national attention to Virginia’s elections and fire up Democratic volunteers and donors, including bringing in some celebrity help like with a visit by PFAW board member Alec Baldwin… Of course, Virginia is the biggest but not the only great story. Altogether, we had more than 130 PFAW-endorsed candidates on ballots in 21 states yesterday. One example is Amelia Parker, a human rights activist and founding member of the progressive City Council Movement, who won her election for Knoxville, TN City Council yesterday, helping to comprise the city’s first women-majority Council. Amelia had run an impressive, yet ultimately unsuccessful, write-in campaign in the last election in 2017. This year, through grit and determination, she got on the ballot and won a majority of the vote. Finally, I want to include a few more quick stories from some of our many key races yesterday:
We’ll continue to support amazing candidates like Qasim and all of our progressive champions who, whether they won or lost, ran to make history and advance progress yesterday. THANK YOU for standing with us in this work. And THANK YOU for all of your support and effort that made yesterday’s victories possible. Please stay tuned for more of a breakdown of our work in this week’s elections coming your way within the next few days. With immense gratitude, Michael Keegan, President P.S. This was truly an all-hands-on-deck effort and, in addition to our members, I wanted to make sure to thank a few key members of the PFAW family who went above and beyond in pitching in their time and effort to help achieve these victories. I mentioned Alec Baldwin, but I also want to recognize the contributions of PFAW board members Dolores Huerta, Cristela Alonso, and Khizr Khan, as well as PFAW Senior Fellow and former Florida Democratic nominee for governor Andrew Gillum, who all helped significantly. ![]()