Friend, I’m hoping to catch you before you kick off any New Year’s Eve festivities you may have planned.
Today is the FINAL day of our most important fundraising deadline of the year. Before the clock strikes midnight tonight, could you make a year-end, tax-deductible gift to Mercy Corps?
Our ability to show up for families and communities around the world hinges on the support we receive during this time of year. Your gift can help us respond to water and hunger crises, support farmers and entrepreneurs working to improve their livelihoods, promote sustainable, peaceful solutions to conflict, and much more.
Please take a moment right now to contribute generously to our year-end fundraising campaign. There are only hours left to make your 2021 gift.
And, remember, you can claim up to $300 in charitable donations this year, even if you don’t itemize deductions, thanks to the CARES Act. We welcome donations by credit card, PayPal, and Apple Pay.
Thank you for your support.
I’m so grateful to count you as a member of Mercy Corps’ global community helping to make our work possible.
Craig Redmond
Senior Vice President of Programs,
Mercy Corps
We know you’re hearing a lot from us these days. The reason is simple: Every dollar we raise right now helps the people we work with protect their families and improve their lives. If you’ve already made your gift (thank you!) or would rather not get our year-end emails, click here to stop receiving email until January.