NRDC Activist,
Our planet is facing a moment of great peril — and as we fight in and out of court against wildlife extinctions, powerful fossil fuel polluters, devastating climate change, and other threats to our future, we've never needed your help more.
But according to our records, it looks like you haven't claimed your 4x matching gift offer yet. Time is running out: Please check the information below and then make four times the impact for the environment:
FOR REVIEW: Your Year-End Campaign Status
Member ID: 6503928
4X Matching Gift Offer: UNCLAIMED. DONATE NOW >>
Suggested Donation: $5
This quadruple match ends in HOURS! Please help us reach our $400,000 goal.
Thanks to generous donors who have agreed to match gifts until midnight on December 31, your tax-deductible donation will go 4x as far to support NRDC's groundbreaking legal, scientific, and advocacy work in 2022:
Please don't sit this campaign out. We've reached our make-or-break moment for planet Earth.
One gift right now will support our team of lawyers, scientists, and campaigners as they work to turn bold climate promises into action... stop Big Oil from pillaging public lands... safeguard wild treasures like Bristol Bay and Bryce Canyon National Park... support communities seeking environmental justice... and more.
Every dollar you give will go 4x farther, up to $400,000 — but only until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! Make your $5 gift now.
Gina Trujillo
Director of Membership, NRDC
P.S. If you've already made your gift — thank you so much! Our records may not have been updated by the time this message was generated, but please know how grateful we are for your generosity.