What do you think ... do we deserve it?
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Dear Friend,
Just like you, my inbox is full of requests for year-end donations from deserving organizations. But I’m hoping that the remainder of this email will convince you to choose White Coat Waste Project (WCW) today 😊.
You see, our grassroots power WCW – in fact, 87% of our revenue comes from emails like this – with an average gift of just $20.71!
We have a smaller operating budget compared to most other animal groups, but that hasn’t stopped us from shutting down more taxpayer-funded animal labs than all other groups in the USA… combined:

But our fight is far from over: we’re still being forced to pay over $20 billion each year for cruel and wasteful animal experiments.
Your donation today will help sustain more than 20 critical WCW campaigns in 2022 that matter to you:
Campaigns to end taxpayer-funded dog, cat, and monkey experiments across the ENTIRE federal government,
Campaigns to ensure government lab survivors are retired and released to the taxpayers who paid for them (instead of being killed like many are now),
Campaigns to end dangerous and cruel Wuhan-style gain-of-function (GOF) experiments on animals,
Campaigns to stop the shipment of taxpayer money for wasteful animal experiments abroad,
Campaigns to cut bureaucratic red tape that forces industry to test on animals (like the FDA’s dog-testing mandate on drug companies that is responsible for 1/3 of all dogs in labs),
And campaigns to improve government transparency and accountability for taxpayer-funded animal experiments (because sunlight is the best disinfectant!)
Taxpayer, if these issues matter to you, then I promise you WCW will give you the best return on your investment.
And to be honest, we rarely get a matching grant opportunity this big, and we don’t want to waste a single penny (which makes sense as an organization committed to cutting government waste!)
If you haven't already donated this year, I hope you'll donate now before it's too late to double your impact!
Because taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to pay $20 billion+ each year for wasteful animal experiments,
P.S. Horrified after working in an animal lab, I started WCW out of my own pocket, on my own dime, to fight back, cut government waste, and save lives. Today, I’m still a major donor to WCW! But I can’t do it alone. Will you chip in before midnight?