John, When our 2021 fundraising numbers are released for the first time in early January, our Republican opponents (and their funders) will be able to comb through our report looking for signs of weakness. If they think we look vulnerable, we’re in trouble.


When our 2021 fundraising numbers are released for the first time in early January, our Republican opponents (and their funders) will be able to comb through our report looking for signs of weakness. If they think we look vulnerable, we’re in trouble.

To prove that we’re prepared to defend Keith no matter what comes our way, we set an end-of-year grassroots goal of $75,000 – but now we’re dangerously close to falling short.

We need to raise another $6,396 by 11:59 pm to make up the difference. According to our records, you’ve yet to pitch in this month. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment, and we’re counting on your support.

John, if you’re able, will you rush a contribution of $10, $25, $50, or whatever works right now to help us make up the difference? Stand with Keith and pitch in by midnight.

Thank you,

Team Keith



Prepared and paid for by the Keith Ellison for Attorney General committee, PO Box 17224, Minneapolis, MN 55417

Keith Ellison for Attorney General
PO Box 17224
Minneapolis, MN 55417
United States