Dear Friend,

Thanks to you, in 2021 the Immigration Advocates Network and our national partners launched important new initiatives to further immigrant justice and help thousands navigate our changing immigration landscape.

Before the year ends, we need you to invest in our work and our community of over 8,000 immigrant advocates.

From co-launching the national Ready to Stay coalition, supporting Afghan resettlement, and ensuring that immigrants have  the necessary tools to protect themselves and build new lives in the United States, 2021 challenged us like never before.

Here are a few highlights from this past year that were made possible by your partnership and support.

Immigration Advocates Network: 2021 Highlights

10 Years Making Citizenship Easier

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This year, our award-winning naturalization tool Citizenshipworks celebrated its 10-year anniversary. In the last decade, we’ve helped thousands apply for citizenship and saved applicants an estimated $50 million in legal fees. This year, we’ve added the Fee Waiver form to Citizenshipworks to help applicants and their advocates save even more  staff time and money.

Supporting Afghans and Their Advocates

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The advocate community has rallied to support Afghan refugees, by working together, sharing information, creating pro bono projects, and more. The Immigration Advocates Network aided this effort updating our legal directory of 1,200 nonprofits to include relevant services provided (i.e. SIV, humanitarian parole), creating a resource page for advocates, and organizing and hosting an SIV legal training for the field.

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Launching New Innovations to Combat Immigrant Wage Theft

This past year the Immigration Advocates Network won The Workers Lab 2021 Innovation Fund award for ¡Reclamo! - a digital tool to combat wage theft. ¡Reclamo! was developed in partnership with workplace justice advocates from Make the Road New York and is designed to help workers and community advocates navigate the complexities of employment law, safely, in plain language, and from any mobile phone. Learn more at www.reclamoapp.org.

Before the year ends, we want to invite you fund our work and partner with us to solve problems, create new tools, and share and your expertise.
Join us by becoming a member, a partner, a collaborator. Wishing you a safe and happy 2022.

With gratitude,

The IAN Team

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Top Ten Countdown from 2021  

Check out our favorite resources created throughout the past year - by you, for you, and with you:

10.  Most recent website collaboration, launched with our national partners to keep the field and community updated on immigration reform: Ready to Stay

9.  Latest addition to the IAN website: National Volunteer Opportunities to connect remote pro bono volunteers

8.  Most clicked partner resource on our website in 2021: Asylum Seekers Advocacy Project Membership Information & Asylum EAD Rules (2,679 clicks - and counting!)

7.  Most popular IAN webinars: 

6.  Most updated libraries: VAWA, U Visa, T Visa, and Community Engagement & Empowerment 

5.  Most helpful section in our Alerts: Afghan Response 

4.  Best legal empowerment collaboration: The Justice Power webinar series 

3.  Most valuable addition to Citizenshipworks: the Fee Waiver Form

2.  Most downloaded resource in 2021: our own Remote Legal Support Guide (1,706 downloads!)

1.  Most relied upon IAN resource: the National Immigration Legal Services Directory (over 600,000 visits!) 

About Immigration Advocates Network

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), a program of Pro Bono Net, is dedicated to expanding access to immigration legal resources and information through collaboration and technology. We create our own tools, build platforms for others, and work with partners to harness the power of technology to better support immigrants and their advocates.

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Immigration Advocates Network
151 W. 30th St. FL 6
New York, New York 10001

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