As we near the end of 2021, I’ve been reflecting on what a monumental year this has been for Kentucky. So much has happened. And I recognize that for many, this year hasn’t been easy.

As we near the end of 2021, I’ve been reflecting on what a monumental year this has been for Kentucky. So much has happened. And I recognize that for many, this year hasn’t been easy.

From keeping our loved ones safe in an ever-changing pandemic while making sure we have enough money in our pockets to feed our families, to rebuilding after the recent devastating tornado in western Kentucky -- 2021 has brought immense challenges. To make matters worse, the leaders who are supposed to be there for us in these moments of crisis are the ones voting down bills that would help us.

But even in the face of hardship and generations of exploitation, we’ve done what Kentuckians have always done. We showed up for each other to provide love and support. We came together to build a campaign that will fight for the change we urgently need in our politics because we believe that Kentucky deserves so much more. And we kept pushing forward.

I’m so proud of this movement. I know in my heart we are the ones who will turn the tides for Kentucky and finally elect a leader who cares about us. Now that we’re only a day away from 2022, it is absolutely critical we enter this long-awaited election year with the people power and resources we need to finish the job and replace Rand Paul with a new kind of politics rooted in love, justice, and compassion.

I want that so bad for us, and I am going to give it everything I've got to win this Senate seat for you in 2022. If you’re with me in this work, will you chip in $5 or anything you can today to help us raise 5,000 grassroots donations before our end-of-year fundraising deadline? It’s absolutely critical we reach this goal so we can fight big in 2022 and make history in Kentucky.

Rand Paul thinks he can buy this race. He’s banking on the majority of regular Kentuckians sitting this election out because they’re so used to exploitation and corrupt politicians. But he severely underestimates the power of our grassroots movement.

Kentuckians from the hood to the holler are rising up in record numbers to get out the vote in 2022 and support our fight for climate action, Medicare for All, and people-first policies. I know that if we continue growing this people power we can win this race.

Send a loud message to me the naysayers in Washington that we're ready.

Let’s bring hope back,

-- Charles Booker






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