Did you see my note highlighting the amazing things we accomplished together this year?
Hi Friend!
Did you see my note highlighting the amazing things we accomplished together this year? As we celebrate our 2021 wins, we also look ahead to 2022. Our sleeves are rolled up. We are prepared to fight for the future our kids and families need to thrive, and we know how to win.
If you haven't yet contributed to our year-end giving campaign, PLEASE DO! All gifts are matched through midnight tonight, and we need your support for the battles ahead. We know not everyone is able to help with a donation, but if you are someone who can, please take a moment to donate, even if you've never donated before!
The MomsRising community has risen together in so many ways this year, and together we took over 1.46 million actions that pulled our nation forward. But our work isn’t done. Read on below for all the details.
Happy nearly New Year,
- Kristin
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From: Kristin, MomsRising.org
Date: Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 7:14 PM
Subject: Gratitude
Dear Friend,
2021 has been a year of hardships, joys, sorrows, hopes, fears, challenges, wins and all that’s in between. As the year comes to a close, we wanted it to end with GRATITUDE, for you and for all the amazing ways you rose up to lift our country. And WOW did you rise and move much-needed change.
Your action, your engagement, and your voice have brought about a new era in which Congress and our country increasingly recognize that women's problems are America's problems, and women's successes are America's success – and that our families, businesses, economy and country absolutely need a care infrastructure to thrive. After all, just like we need to build bridges and roads to drive on to go to work, we need to build a care infrastructure — including childcare for all, paid family/medical leave, home-and community-based services for people who are aging and the elderly, an extended Child Tax Credit, living wages and a path to citizenship for care workers — so parents can work, children can thrive, care workers can earn living wages, family costs can be lowered, inflation be addressed, and businesses and our economy supported. Because of your voice, more and more leaders with the power to make changes our nation needs are acknowledging that our country will never realize its full potential if women and, in particular, women of color continue to be devalued, underpaid and left behind.
↓↓↓ Together we are a jaw-droppingly powerful force ↓↓↓

- YOU LIFTED MORE THAN 40% OF CHILDREN OUT OF POVERTY in 2021 with the Child Tax Credit expansion and also helped get the first (temporary) national paid family/medical leave program passed (!) – wins that we’re fighting hard to continue into 2022 and beyond via the passage of the Build Back Better Act in the Senate.
- YOU WERE HEARD by leaders with the power to make the changes we and our economy need on-the-ground, online, and all over the nation with 1,463,920 total actions that helped pass the American Rescue Plan, as well as the Build Back Better Act through the House!
- YOU CHANGED THE NATIONAL NARRATIVE by generating over 2,667 moments of media coverage, sharing your experiences to let other people know they aren’t alone and to add power to calls for change more than 10,313 times, and also by submitting over 4,454 letters to the editor across the nation.
- YOU MADE MORE THAN 1,010,120 CONSTITUENT CONTACTS by you to elected leaders in Congress from every single state, urging them to finally build a care infrastructure, including: Free Pre-K, paid family/medical leave, childcare, healthcare, home-and community-based services, maternal health and justice policies, an extension of the expanded Child Tax Credit, living wages for care workers and a path to citizenship, and more.
- YOU ENGAGED, LOCALLY ON-THE-GROUND ACROSS THE COUNTRY & IN DC to build a powerful wave of change as you met with elected leaders, held local events to garner media coverage, attended town halls, shared your stories, and delivered materials and stories to the majority of local Congressional offices. You also played a major role in DC events, testimony, and more.
- YOU MADE OVER 60,000 PHONE CALLS to elected leads, urging action and winning change for moms and families.
- YOUR PRIORITIES WERE SEEN more than 55,091,872 times with ads flown by airplanes over key football games, ads online, rolling billboards outside West Virginia grocery stores, sharing our stories on TV and radio, and so much more!
- YOU HAND-WROTE OVER 150,000 POSTCARDS to US Senators urging them to support the Build Back Better Act!
- YOU CONTINUED TO HELP MOMS VOTE including in the Georgia special election for two U.S. Senate seats in January where you sent over 303,800 hand-written postcards with information about where to vote.
Together, We Are MomsRising. We'll never stop fighting to build a nation where every mom, child, and family can thrive. We'll never stop winning. If you are able, can you support this movement with an end-of-year gift today?
I’m grateful for you. I’m grateful for us together. And I thank you for all you do.
- Kristin