Patriot, Dr. Paul asked me to reach out to make sure you saw his message.
Campaign for Liberty is up against a very important end-of-year funding deadline, and we have not hit our goal
yet to get off on the right foot with next year’s projects. Fighting the ongoing COVID
tyranny battles both at the state and national level have taken up a lot of our resources, so it is critical we continue to replenish them.
And that’s where you come in. Please
won’t you consider chipping in $19 or $29 ore more right away to help us inch closer to that goal? Every dollar counts! Dr.
Paul’s forwarded message goes into greater detail, so I recommend you read it and forward to a friend.
For liberty, John McCardell Executive Director
Campaign for Liberty 
Dr. Fauci is at it again, claiming the power to dictate how you spend the holidays. This time
it’s New Year’s Eve, which will be celebrated across the world tomorrow. As for
“hugging or kissing” anyone on the holiday, Fauci says you can forget it this year.
Too dangerous, according to him. Is anyone outside of the corporate press still
listening? He warned against showing any of those signs of affection in a White House
“COVID briefing” yesterday. He then laid out his rules for what he thinks should be
allowed. “Although the risk is never zero in anything, the risk is low enough that we feel you should continue to go
through with those plans of having a home-related vaccinated, boosted gathering with family and close friends who are also vaccinated and
boosted.” This comes on the heels
of Fauci suggesting there should be an experimental COVID vaccination mandate for domestic flights.
And on the heels of Fauci proclaiming the (useless) mask mandate for domestic air travel should never be rescinded. That remark came in response
to several major airline CEOs ADMITTING that the mask mandates do not accomplish anything on their aircraft.
To say that Fauci is out of control is a complete understatement.
He and President Joe Biden, despite Biden’s admission there is no federal solution to COVID, will continue to push mandates that will
be adopted wholesale in “Blue States” like New York, California, Illinois, and others.
Compliance with the mandates only makes Biden, Tony Fauci, and all the medical tyrants MORE contemptuous towards the public.
What has worked is RESISTANCE to the
mandates. And that’s exactly what will be needed in 2022.
Campaign for Liberty was one of the first to call for widespread resistance, and we’ve seen VERY positive
results. We will continue to be on the cutting edge of the people’s response to COVID
(tyranny), but not without your help. We are just 24 hours from our end-of-the-year deadline
for fundraising that will determine our agenda for next year. Can you make a generous contribution TODAY of $50, $150,
$250 or even more if you can afford it? I certainly won’t be backing down
from this fight next year and neither will my hard-working staff. But fighting the COVID battles on top of every other fight we face has been
extremely costly. I understand it’s the holiday season which comes with a lot of
expenses, so would you consider chipping in $29
or $19? Fauci will never stop with the fear propaganda because it keeps
him in control. And he takes no responsibility for his deadly actions. Or his awful
predictions and colossally large mistakes on policy. For his abuse of the American public and
their now decimated trust in so-called “public health” authorities, Fauci will be rewarded with the richest pension in this
history of our federal government, $350,000 per year. . . when he finally decides to hang it up. Not only is it time for the American public to stop listening to Fauci and resist his policies, but it’s time to call for
putting him on trial for the damage he has done! My son, Senator Rand Paul, has
already pushed for jail time for Fauci, but a lot more voices need to call for the same thing.
It’s only a matter of time before Fauci will call for detaining and jailing the unvaccinated, like some other first world
countries are already doing. If you need any evidence, look at the COVID Concentration Camps
in Australia and the state of New York pushing a bill to create the same type of camps . . . for the second year in a row!
There are even worse examples from other parts of the world, who take their cues from the WHO, CDC, and Fauci.
Newsweek is reporting that the Netherlands will now MANDATE 6 total COVID shots, which includes 4
booster shots, starting in 2022. France has announced Monday that eating and drinking
indoors in many venues will be BANNED COMPLETELY starting Monday. How long before we
see these types of restrictions and mandates discussed for our country? The largest cities
in the United States – New York City, Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles among them – have started to crack down on the unvaccinated and are
creating two classes of people in our country. One has to wonder how many more times the public
can be whipped into panic mode. The answer is that Biden, Fauci, and CDC bureaucrats need to keep scare-mongering in order to tighten their grip on
the American people. And of course, the solution offered by the shameless legacy media
darling, Dr. Fauci, is to do even more of what hasn’t worked throughout the Coronacrisis.
Campaign for Liberty will continue to effectively fight these mandates at the national and local level for as long as you keep your support coming.
Can you make a generous contribution TODAY of $50, $150,
$250 or even more if you can afford it? We must understand that this
cycle only ends when massive resistance breaks it. People laughed at my predictions
in early 2020 about how the health bureaucrats would abuse the COVID outbreak at every turn, but look where we are now.
It would be one thing if Fauci’s horrendous ideas and power grabs were limited to the federal bureaucracy, but his
bad ideas have been picked up and used as tremendous weapons against liberty on the state and local level.
The lockdown critics were obviously right, and Fauci was flat out wrong.
When Americans finally get the truth about just how hostile Fauci and the medical bureaucracy are towards their health and freedom, they will
demand justice. Hopefully by then it’s not too late.
Fighting these battles for medical freedom for the last 20 months have come at a tremendous cost, but we at
Campaign for Liberty understand that times have certainly been tight since the lockdowns began.
2022 is going to be a crucial time.
The fight to preserve health freedom will continue to be the biggest battle we face in 2022. Your important
end-of-year gift now will help give us the resources to hit the ground running when Congress returns next week.
Thank you for your dedication to the cause of liberty, no matter what attacks are waged against it.
For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S. There
is no limit to what freedoms Dr. Fauci and his band of mini-medical dictators will take from us if the public continues to obey him.
Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help as the 2020 Coronacrisis extends into 2022. Please make an
important end-of-year gift now so we can hit the ground running in 2022. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual
liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and
grassroots mobilization.