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Children's Hospital Los Angeles. Match Your Gift 3X. Give Now.

Countdown clock.

$300,000 Goal. Progress: 85%. Deadline: Midnight.


We've made incredible progress toward our $300,000 matching gift goal thanks to the thousands of Children's Hospital Los Angeles supporters who have made donations that are being TRIPLE-MATCHED by Credit Unions for Kids.

That's why we couldn't help but notice that you haven't taken advantage of this opportunity to have your gift go THREE times as far for sick kids in the hospital. Is that correct? We're still $44,000 away from our goal and tonight's deadline is approaching quickly. We really could use your support.

John, don't miss your chance to make 3X the impact for kids with your tax-deductible gift of $10 or more to the Children's Fund now!

Please review and confirm your status below—then make your gift right away to take advantage of this opportunity to TRIPLE the impact of your gift before MIDNIGHT.

Your Supporter Profile

Name: John xxxxxx
Supporter ID: 2285764

Triple-Match Offer: ACTIVE

Your End-of-Year 3X Match Status

2021 End-of-Year Campaign Donor? Not Yet
Suggested Donation: $10 (makes $30 of impact!)

Deadline: MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, Dec. 31

Contributions Needed: $44,000 by midnight
$300,000 Match Goal Met? Not Yet



Your TRIPLE-MATCHED, tax-deductible gift to the Children's Fund will be put to work immediately to help:

  • Ensure that every child who comes through our doors gets the critical, lifesaving care they need
  • Support groundbreaking research to find better treatments and cures for children battling serious illnesses
  • Provide our patients with child-focused, compassionate care that allows them to still be kids—even while they're in the hospital

Today is your last chance to make a tax-deductible gift of $10 or more and have it go THREE TIMES as far for kids.

Thanks so much for your support in helping us reach our goal by midnight tonight!

—Team Children's Hospital Los Angeles

We know you're hearing from us a lot these days. The reason is simple: Every dollar we raise before midnight on Dec. 31 is matched, which means it goes further to help provide the very best care for kids and conduct groundbreaking research that changes and saves lives. If you've already made your gift or would rather not receive any further email from us until January, click here.

© 2021 Children's Hospital Los Angeles

4650 Sunset Blvd., #29, Los Angeles, CA 90027
800-817-4543 | [email protected]