
We have good news to share. We’re on strong footing to fully execute our 2022 plan, which includes advancing organizing programs in bigger geographic areas, organizing constituent calls and meetings to even more legislators, and continuing the work to get gun violence prevention legislation passed, like lost and stolen gun reporting and a universal background check system for all guns.

The bad news is that we aren’t quite there yet.. Our opponents, who want to repeal the few gun laws we have in Pennsylvania, will capitalize on this. We have about 14 hours left to make up the distance, and are 6% away from our fundraising goal.

Will you make a donation right now to help us close the gap? We just need 13 more donations of $15 from your area to get where we need to be.

Here’s what your donation will mean: we’ll be able to communicate our message to even more Pennsylvanians, folks who already are on our side, but who need a little bit more help to know how to talk to their legislator. We’ll be able to fight for more things like we did this year, like President Biden’s executive actions and community violence prevention funding, all while expanding our power to pass meaningful gun violence prevention legislation - not just stop the horrible bills.

We’re so close. Please help us out.

Thanks so much, and we hope you have a joyous holiday season.

Team CeaseFirePA


P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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