| Friends, This is URGENT. We’re $2,057 short of our yearly fundraising goal for the Connecticut Republicans, and we’re running out of time FAST. This isn’t a drill. This is the FINAL DEADLINE of the year, and if we miss it, it’s over and it’s embarrassing. It’s not just another monthly goal or even a quarterly goal -- it’s our 2021 goal! So, can you rush in a donation to make sure we reach our goal for 2021? It’s our chance to end 2021 with a bang and show Connecticut that we’re ready for COMMON SENSE policies that work for everyone! We can start 2022 off on a strong foot and send a message to King Ned, Murphy, Blumenthal, and the rest of the Hartford liberals: we are ready for the Connecticut Comeback! We will NOT let them get away with radical policies that destroy Connecticut any longer. Chip in any amount now for the Connecticut Comeback! The best part? Our Finance Team has offered to DOUBLE all donations that come in before the End of the Year. You can DOUBLE your impact and take back Connecticut today! Thank you,  Ben Proto CT GOP Chairman Paid for by the Connecticut Republican Party. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. | Connecticut Republican Party 176 Laning Street Southington, CT 06489 If you would like to visit the Connecticut GOP website, click here Don't want to receive our emails anymore? Unsubscribe | |