
Thank you for helping us pull out a big victory in Fairfax County! We flipped the Virginia legislature, winning back the House and Senate for the first time in a generation. We made gains in Fairfax County offices, picking up a seat on the Board of Supervisors and we will have the first ever all-Democratic endorsed School Board.

Everyone played a part and we cannot name them all, but we greatly appreciate our volunteers, donors, grassroots organizations, current and former elected officials, candidates, and voters for all your support.  Thanks to your efforts, Fairfax County saw a 41% voter turnout which is 11.5% higher than it was four years ago, the last time we had a local election in an “off-year.”

Onward! The Fairfax Democrats will be going through our biennial Reorganization, and we’re looking forward to upcoming occasions such as our Holiday Party, the legislative session, our Road to Richmond Brunch and the Democratic Presidential Primary.



Paid for by the Fairfax County Democratic Committee,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

Fairfax County Democratic Committee
8500 Executive Park Ave.
Suite 402
Fairfax VA 22031 United States