John, this is the last message I’ll send to you before the year ends.
I can’t begin to express my gratitude for the extraordinary level of support that our volunteers and staff have received in the course of a year packed with daily challenges.
It means so much to me to know that so many caring, generous supporters like you have our backs. There’s no question that everyone is all-in on this unprecedented effort to strengthen our democracy so that it lives up to its promise.
Frankly, I hate to ask again for help from someone who has already been so generous, but I have no choice. You see, we have very little time to prepare for the coming year, which promises even more obstacles -- and even more opportunities for change.
With just hours to go before the end of the year, I’m asking you to please step up with your Year-End Contribution today -- to help us prepare for the challenges facing us in 2022.
John, our movement simply must persevere -- and at this moment, the stakes are too high to bring anything less than our absolute best to the table.
Right now… former President Trump’s non-stop lies about the 2020 election have inspired new, dangerous voting restrictions in states like Georgia and Texas.
With your help, we will… mobilize our thousands-strong Election Protection Team to directly assist voters at the polls -- while leading a nationwide push to pass federal legislation that will block anti-voter laws and expand solutions like vote-by-mail and Automatic Voter Registration.
Right now… far-right operatives are abusing this year’s redistricting to draw new, even more gerrymandered districts and lock in a decade-long political advantage.
With your help, we will… mobilize like never before to ensure that every American has a voice and someone fighting for them in government -- including taking legal action where necessary to overturn rigged maps, like we already have in Texas.
Right now… we face a wave of disinformation in support of authoritarianism -- with anti-democracy conspiracy theories becoming a litmus test for Republican candidates.
With your help, we will… scale our unique anti-disinformation program that helped remove thousands of lies from social media platforms in the 2020 election -- with a volunteer operation of thousands of Common Cause Members identifying disinformation as soon as it’s posted, pushing back before it spreads, and working with sites like Facebook and Twitter to get it taken down.
As we approach next year’s historic midterms, Common Cause will dramatically step up our 2022 plans for two reasons:
For one, I can’t imagine doing anything less given the situation we’re in. And more importantly... every time we’ve been called on to rise to a challenge, Common Cause Members like you have come through to make it happen.
You see, our most reliable resource and our greatest asset has always been YOU -- and every other Member of our million-plus citizen force of democracy champions across the nation. A force we’ve always been able to count on when the moment demands it.
Right now... we’re face to face with one of the most critical times in American history. We must be fully prepared.
So please, make your Year-End Contribution before midnight tonight so we can step up our work -- as we must -- in 2022 and beyond.
I’m grateful for your leadership at this critical moment and am so glad to count you on our side.
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause